Alchemistic medical teachings human energy system
In accordance with the so-called *signature teachings* the seven classical planets have been related to certain metals, gems and flowers.
👉In addition to the well-known pairings of Metal Remedies are related to the planets as follows

*moon/silver*, :
*iron = Mars*,
*copper = Venus*,
*zinc = Mercury*,
*Tin/pewter = Jupiter*,
*Vitriol = Saturn*.
*moon/silver*, :
*iron = Mars*,
*copper = Venus*,
*zinc = Mercury*,
*Tin/pewter = Jupiter*,
*Vitriol = Saturn*.

👉Planetary energy: Sun
👉Weekday: Sunday
👉 *Energy system*: Root chakra, Heart chakra and Crown chakra
The gold essence „Aurum Potabile“, that famous "drinking-gold of the Alchemists“ and legendary life elixir, is being produced in accordance with the recipes of famous alchemists like *Paracelsus* and *Isaac Hollandus*.
👉Paracelsus wrote: " *Of all Elixirs, Gold is supreme and the most important for us... gold can keep the body indestructible... Drinkable gold will cure all illnesses, it renews and restores* .“ (Quoted according to: Paracelsus, Collected Works, vol. III, published by Aschner in 1930.)
👉Gold Remedy imparts the life forces of the primordial male principle, the sun. Its themes are energy, stimulation, vitality, recovery, activation, creativity, confidence, organizational skills, and strengthening of the ego.
*Effects of Gold Essence*:
👉 The essence is related to the root chakra, to the sun (and sunday), as well as, on a secondary level, to the heart chakra and the crown chakra.
👉According to the chakra teachings of the alchemists, through these chakras Gold can harmonize the entire organism and increase the human energy level.
👉Measurements by the Life-Test Institute have demonstrated that especially the kidney and bladder meridians are being stimulated, which according to traditional Chinese Medicine is an increase of life energy in itself.
👉This means that a person’s vitality and life-force are demonstrably strengthened.
👉 In addition, Gold Remedy detoxicates and purges and in this way rebalances the “juices of the body”.
👉 It will remove heavy metals like mercury from dental fillings, ingested pollutants, drug residues and metabolic waste products.
👉Naturopathy has demonstrated that through such detoxicating and clearing therapies all kinds of illnesses, especially the modern so-called “diseases of civilization”, can be influenced positively.
👉As an embodiment of the sun principle, gold also lightens the emotions and the spirit and heightens all mental powers.
👉Therefore, Gold Remedy is a cure for depression, can counterbalance moodiness and instil peace of mind.

The gold essence „Aurum Potabile“, that famous "drinking-gold of the Alchemists“ and legendary life elixir, is being produced in accordance with the recipes of famous alchemists like *Paracelsus* and *Isaac Hollandus*.

*Effects of Gold Essence*:

👉Planetary energy: Moon
Weekday: Monday
Energy system: Spleen/Sexual-chakra
👉The Silver Remedy “Argentum Potabile” is also on old remedy Paracelsus and was used as a kind of life elixir.
👉As a supreme alchemistic essence of silver, it imparts the life forces of the primordial female principle, the moon.
👉Its themes are rhythm, regeneration, growth, receptivity, fertility, reproduction, and any constructive process in general.
👉 *Effects of Silver Essence*:
👉 The Silver Remedy is related to the spleen/sexual chakra, to the moon, and to Monday.
👉According to the chakra teachings of the alchemists, this “energy centre” corresponds to the genitals, kidney and bladder, the entire system of water balance and the nervous system.
👉In the course of treatment,
this chakra is stimulated and harmonized.
👉Charisma, sexual attraction and receptivity
are strengthened, feeling is refined, and dreaming is stimulated.
👉In addition, Silver Remedy can be used against menstruation disorders, sleep disorders, moodiness, to calm down the nerves, against feverish conditions, bacterial diseases, aginst viruses and parasites, in order to regulate the water balance in all mucous tissues and the skin (also as a skin tonic), and as a stimulant for dreaming.

Weekday: Monday
Energy system: Spleen/Sexual-chakra

this chakra is stimulated and harmonized.

are strengthened, feeling is refined, and dreaming is stimulated.

👉Planetary energy: Mars
Weekday: Tuesday
Energy system: Solar plexus-chakra. The 3rd chakra corresponds to the digestive system, liver, gall-bladder, the blood formation and heat regulation
👉 *Iron Remedy* supports dynamism, willpower, decisiveness as well as vitality and life energy.
👉Stimulates sexual desire.
👉Strengthens ones drive, supports the capability and willingness to learn and helps to meet challenges.
👉Recommended in the case of energy imbalance and disturbance.
👉These may result from instable blood pressure, loss of blood, weak immune system, infections with fever and inflammations, sore throat, inflammation of the larynx and generally all kind of chronic inflammation and acute allergies as well as headaches and muscular pain.

Weekday: Tuesday
Energy system: Solar plexus-chakra. The 3rd chakra corresponds to the digestive system, liver, gall-bladder, the blood formation and heat regulation

*Zinc Remedy*:

Weekday: Wednesday

Weekday: Thursday
Energy system: Throat chakra.

*Vitriol Metal Remedy*:

Energy system: Crown

*Platinum Metal Remedy*
👉Grounding Remedy,
coming home
Chakra: Foot and knee chakras (position: middle of sole of foot, knee)
Planet energy: Ketu (moon’s descending node)
👉Chakra functions: By intensifying a person’s flow of earth energies, the chakras of foot and knee strengthen the energetically important connection between body, mind and spirit.
👉Their vitalization and harmonization brings “high-flyers” and ”spaced-out people” back on the ground, nurtures the connection with collective elementary powers and archetypes and facilitates access to the power of one’s family and ancestors.
👉Psychological stress related to themes of childbirth and motherhood is being harmonized.
👉Rigidity of emotions and spirit is dissolved, an overall feeling of „coming home“ and „ groundedness“ is strengthened.
Energetic chakra resonances
👉 relating to the nervous system: sciatic nerve, nerves of legs (e.g., calves, thighs)
👉relating to organs: foot, knee and hip joints; blood vessels of legs

coming home
Chakra: Foot and knee chakras (position: middle of sole of foot, knee)
Planet energy: Ketu (moon’s descending node)

Energetic chakra resonances

*Antimony Metal Remedy*
👉The Human Metal
👉Key theme: purpose in life, boundlessness, union mystica, higher self
Chakra: Neteru chakra,
👉8th chakra (position: about three inches above middle of top of head)
Planet energy: Rahu = moon’s ascending node (and „uplifted“ Saturn)
👉 The Neteru chakra regulates all energetic communication between spirit and Higher Self and so brings greater harmony to the interplay of body, spirit and mind.
👉Harmonization and stimulation of the 8th chakra supports insight into structures of higher order and thus facilitates overcoming negative attitudes and manifesting higher spiritual qualities.
👉It cultivates recognition of the meaning of life and one’s personal goal in life as well as the ability to separate the important from the unimportant.
👉Vitalizing the Neteru chakra facilitates drawing on the knowledge of the “Akashic Records”, the morphogenetic field of mankind, and thus enriching life with new ideas that are in harmony with the cosmos.
From an astrological point of view, antimony is also associated with an uplifted and redeemed Saturn.
👉For *Rudolf Steiner* antimony was "the human metal“, as like no other metal it stands between heaven and earth like man and therefore is strongly analogous to his nature.
👉According to Steiner, antimony therefore has universal and all-embracing power for humans; in modern terms, it represents a kind of switchboard connecting with the morphogenetic matrix, one’s basic inherent “blueprint”.
👉For *Paracelsus* it contains „the highest and strongest arcanum of all minerals”... ”in it one finds the essentia which does not leave any impurities with the purities... if there is nothing healthy in the body it transforms the impure body into a pure body.“
👉As an energetic support it is especially helpful with overboiling processes like inflammations, allergies, rheumatism, with oedemas, concretions of “impurities” like dross, environmental toxins and other kinds of stagnation, as well as with infections and viral or bacterial diseases.
👉In these cases it harmonizes the excessive energies and transforms dark into light.
👉relating to the nervous system: entire nervous system
👉relating to organs: entire brain

Chakra: Neteru chakra,

Planet energy: Rahu = moon’s ascending node (and „uplifted“ Saturn)

From an astrological point of view, antimony is also associated with an uplifted and redeemed Saturn.

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