Inspired by Paramahamsa Yogananda(Author of Autobiography of Yogi) talks about how food effects on spiritual and psycho-emotional levels, Lila Devi Stone developed MASTER'S FLOWER ESSENCES in 1977.
As Food has such power, how much more so do the blossoms, containing 90% of the Life force of the Tree.
She proposes that the essences help people to become 'masters of their own lives'
Mrs.Lila Devi discovered 20 FLOWER ESSENCE
Today I will give a small glance of those remedies.
1. *Almond flower remedy*:
👉Self-control, moral vigour
👉For the power to rebound vigour from every setback of life.
👉For calming the mind and nerves
👉Use when You need to be more inward, less affected by environment and circumstances.
👉Good in times of activity and high demands on Your energy reserves
👉Promotes synchronicity of body/mind/spirit, and restores a sense of balance and moderation
Mrs.Lila Devi discovered 20 FLOWER ESSENCE
Today I will give a small glance of those remedies.
1. *Almond flower remedy*:

2. *Apple flower remedy*:
👉 Healthfulness
👉For more inner peace amid life's swirl of activity
👉To be always 'calmly active and actively calm'
👉For clarity , receptivity and healthy attitudes
👉For inharmonious states of mind, including hypochondria, worry and doubt, recurring negative emotions such as anger and fear
👉Helps bring clarity, receptivity and joy
👉Restores a sense of well-being to one's thoughts and outlook on Life
👉Unlocks the spring of true health and vitality, providing the motivation to take better care of one self.

3. *Avacado flower remedy*:
👉For good memory
👉For a retentive mind, important for every kind of Success
👉For the ability to develop mental skillfulness and concentrate wholly on anything You do.
👉Brings focus and recollection of details
👉Gives inspiration for new projects and challenges for the mind(such as exams) as well as a greater awareness of life's purpose
👉An attitude of 'Now I get it!'
👉Also for learning from one's mistakes and delighting in the learning process.

Highly recommendable for every student and people who going for competitive exams
4. *Banana flower remedy*:
👉 Humility rooted in calmness
👉For self-honesty and self-forgetfulness
👉 For projecting your energy outward, away from Yourself
👉 For a calm, nonreactive attitude, for perspective and not getting overly involved, especially where emotions are concerned.
👉 For objectivity and a having a healthy distance from people and circumstances.
👉 To be able to let others have the last word and be able to 'agree to disagree'.
👉 Excellent for promoting Harmony in close relationships.

*Also a wonderful flower remedy in balancing hormones.
👉 Purity of thought.
👉 To free yourself from every thought that is foreign to your higher nature.
👉 Brings kindliness, mental clarity, optimism, and the ability to see the good within oneself and others.
👉 Helps us to be inspirational, incisive and direct yet gentle, and supportive of our environment and of all living things.
👉 Encourages true friendships and harmony of life.

*Helps to manifest Your dreams.
👉 Cheerfulness.
👉 For a more light-hearted, less heavy attitude toward Life.
👉 For being more solution-oriented.
👉 A Life-brightener! Encourages seeing the good in every situation, being hopeful, inspiring to others, optimistic, positive, light-hearted, even-minded.
👉 Helps whenever there is a lack of energy, enthusiasm, and interest in life.
👉Also heals Fear of Death

👉 Greater spiritual awareness.
👉 For a clearer, more spiritual focus in Life.
👉 For the energy to endure, or to rise above, every test.
👉 For completing tasks, living up to one's highest potential.
👉 Helps us to see solutions, and to welcome and offer support for meeting any kind of challenge.
👉 Often called the 'walking tall' essence, which means to become aware that you are bigger than any of your tests.

*This is one of my favourite flower remedies as it will helps to reveal its potential every time.
👉Gives mental vitality
👉For being always awake and prepared
👉Brings initiative to projects, rekindling enthusiasm and, through awakening the will, and provides unlimited Energy to accomplish anything You desire.
👉For living in the moment, and especially for 'new beginnings' of any kind: a new job, a new home , a new Relationships, or starting a new year at school .

👉 Sweetness and tenderness.
👉 To view all living things as our own, including strangers.
👉 For overcoming judgmental, negative attitudes or thoughts of separateness from others.
👉 Encourages discrimination, receptivity, open-mindedness, and sensitivity to others' feelings, allows us to be easy to talk to, welcoming, magnetic, and warm-hearted.
👉 Good for people who work with the public.
👉 Also for self-nurturing when life seems harsh.
👉 Make speech sweetful

👉Gives flexibility and self acceptance
👉For the ability to relax, no matter how heavy Your responsibilities
👉To soften too strict a sense of discipline, towards one self and others
👉For those too hard on themselves, with unrealistic expectations and difficulty with change
👉Brings a sense of humour , fluidity , self-liberation, and the ability to go with the flow and be at ease with.

11. *Grape flower remedy*:
👉Gives love and devotion
👉To awaken the feelings of the heart and to love others spontaneously, wheather that love is returned or not
👉For developing self-less love and all true & noble qualities
👉Many people, especially in crowded cities, feeling disconnected, alienated and vulnerable, experience the need for this Essence through loneliness, isolation or unfulfilling Relationships
👉For weathering the death of loved one , divorce , seperation , neglect ,and abandonment issues.
👉Brings a realisation of the source of love within ,loving without condition , demand or expectation, patience with others' shortcomings.

👉Gives calmness
👉To have greater calmness and inner strength when confronting the difficulties in your life
👉Also for clear communication skills and promoting creativity, self expression, and expansiveness.
👉For an inner sense of restfulness and dynamic, energised stillness.
👉For restlessness, inability to concentrate, excitability, repressed and troubled emotions dispelling emotional turmoil, replacing it with even-mindedness.
👉Confers the ability to speak one's truth, restores clear communication skills, and creates a productive, clear-thinking environment for highly creative people.
👉Freedom to experience the more subtle states of relaxation.

*Wonderful flower remedy for hyperactive , autism , meditative people .
👉Gives Enthusiasm, Hope and Joy
👉 Excellent for blasting through obstacles
👉For 'Seeing the light at the end of the Tunnel'
👉For deeply ingrained present and past abuse issues, Physical, sexual or emotional, either past or present
👉 Gives a sense of restored energy, resilience, lightness, banishing mild to severe depression and melancholy , and for cultivating an inner peace.

👉Gives unselfishness
👉For the ability to extend your generosity toward others and include them in Your own happiness
👉Brings concern for the welfare of the others, maturity, nurturance, consideration, deep compassion, sensitivity and empathy .

This flower Remedy is different from Peach tea tree flower remedy , as Peach tea tree flower remedy is part of Australian Bush Flower remedy
👉 *Emergency* use, creates peacefulness
👉A 'must' for emergencies situitions, accidents, trauma, physical and / or emotional shock, crisis, surgery, childbirth complications, extreme grief and any situition which throws us off the balance ; uncontrollable thoughts and non productive habit patterns.
👉Also for balance and hormony throughout the day.
👉For minor to monumental *auric* disturbances
👉Restores peace of mind and a sense of rhythm, proportion and balance
👉For living fully in the present moment; gives an ability to handle crisis and awakens our ability to handle life's upsets.

16. *PINEAPPLE Flower Remedy*
Also called Flower of Career Growth and Flower of Confident

*If You or Your son/daughter wants to grow in career, Don't miss this Flower Essence.
Also called Healer's Healer
👉Gives kind-heartedness and compassion
👉It opens the heart and allows us to forgive our own feelings
👉For those feeling easily hurt, touchy, overreactive, insensitive who lash out,lack understanding and judgement,are clouded by emotions,blame others and feel resentful and bitter
👉Fosters taking responsibility for our words and actions
👉For sympathy, benevolence, generosity and the desire to help others heal their hurts
👉For releasing wounds

👉Gives simplicity
👉For stress,feeling burderend or overwhelmed and for trust, to replace suspicion
👉For a sense of wonder, a free spirit, a playful nature, and a love of adventure
👉Helpful for people who are stressed, overworked, or have endured an unhappy or dysfunctional childhood
👉Allow us to be straightforward, easily understood, and uncomplicated,even with numerous responsibilities.

👉Gives Dignity
👉For centering and grounding and the ability to draw respect from others
👉For a sense of poise and inner beauty
👉For those who are guilt-ridden,regretful,self-blaming,undeserving or unsure of themselves
👉They may have a history of emotionally abusive parents
👉Also for Psychic over-sensitivity and for healers who tend to absorb the problems of their clients
👉Brings strength, stateliness and self-worth
👉Allows us to leave a dysfunctional childhood in the past

👉Gives strength and endurance
👉To support you in standing up for Your beliefs
👉Tomato flower remedy for fear of any nature,severity and duration, nightmares and also for working on addictions
👉 Allows us to know there is no failure,only another chance to succeed
👉Encourages belief in oneself, invincibility, Psychic protection and Immunity from the effects of large cities,crowds and negative environments.

Want to try any of Master flower remedies, plz pm me -
Dr.Anju Sethi (Naturotherapist)

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